Back to important goals. I want to compete with women in my age group. Each season I run, I see the same local names winning races and winning age groups and I want to be one of them. So, in order to do that, I have to what? run faster and workout harder, hello McFly! I am admitting to you now that I do not "push" myself, you know, make myself uncomfortable when I'm working out.
So I pumped myself up before I was done working today. I naturally check the weather first before I change and leave work to run to see what I'm up against.
Umm, NO, that's not gonna happen! I mean I love to run, but this is dangerous (and I just plain don't like the cold). I also would really like to know what the h..e..double hockey sticks the difference is between 6 below and 25 below, I know they pretty much feel just as painful. Off to the YMCA's mini indoor track I go where 17 laps = 1 mile, crazytown! For me, and this is just me, I pretty much dislike running on the treadmill as much as running in the cold so this is my only option.
Saucony Triumph 10
I had to try out my new shoes, inside, to make sure we are a good match before I dirty them up. Felt like I was running on clouds, I don't know if that is good or bad but I likey.
Stats: 3 mi, 24:20-8:06 pace. I'm happy with that even though I know in the back of my mind there are no hills/gradual inclines or snow/ice to run on like my regular route. I usually run an 8:50 pace...trying to push it.
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