Time to get my 1st race of the season on the books! Super Excited! In support of a friend to help her stay motivated to lose a little baby weight, we've decided to run our 1st race of the season together...side note: we live about 175 miles apart and we've been trying to plan to race together for about four years and have never connected mostly (well, all) because of me and my injuries and fear of commitment. So, without further ado....
Madison Shamrock Shuffle Sunday, March 17, 2013
This probably isn't as excited for you to read as it is for me but you must know that I usually don't start training until Spring and start racing in June-I know, pathetic huh? I just don't like the cold, and living in the Midwest, lawd have mercy, it gets cold in the winter, below zero. Anything below 32 degrees feels the same to me-FREEZING a little nerdy jokey joke! This is my 1st time running in the Winter and I loooove it (said with a serious, sarcastic tone). I promise these aren't excuses, I just cannot, no I could not do it until now.
I am overjoyed with happiness and a sense of accomplishment after every run though, long or short, because for the first time I feel like I have the privilege of calling myself a runner. You know what I'm talking about all you runners out there...I'll save that for another post.
When is your first race of the season or do you live somewhere you can train/race year round?
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