Monday, January 21, 2013

Midwest runnin'

Happy Monday everyone!  Boo, to the weekend being over, I know, I hear ya.  At work today I was reflecting on my race performances these last two seasons and thinking about what my goals are for this year.  I'll let you in on my secret goal that I haven't told anyone, it may be silly to you and it's one I have no control over, it's more the luck of the draw, but anyway, I just want to have my picture taken by whomever takes pictures for these charity road races and be in their slide show they post on their websites with the results.  Why can't anyone take my pic?  I've only invited someone one time in two years to come to my races (only because I'm competitive and since I don't run times I am proud of I don't want anyone to see...yes, I'm embarrassed, I said it) so I don't have pics from family/friends either.  This year I am going to try to change up what I wear, perhaps a cool racing top and shorts, crazy knee high running socks or something.  I don't know what else to do, I just want my pic taken pleeeeeease.  

Back to important goals.  I want to compete with women in my age group.  Each season I run, I see the same local names winning races and winning age groups and I want to be one of them.  So, in order to do that, I have to what?  run faster and workout harder, hello McFly!  I am admitting to you now that I do not "push" myself, you know, make myself uncomfortable when I'm working out.

So I pumped myself up before I was done working today.  I naturally check the weather first before I change and leave work to run to see what I'm up against.  


Umm, NO, that's not gonna happen!  I mean I love to run, but this is dangerous (and I just plain don't like the cold).  I also would really like to know what the h..e..double hockey sticks the difference is between 6 below and 25 below, I know they pretty much feel just as painful.  Off to the YMCA's mini indoor track I go where 17 laps = 1 mile, crazytown!  For me, and this is just me, I pretty much dislike running on the treadmill as much as running in the cold so this is my only option.  

 Saucony Triumph 10

 I had to try out my new shoes, inside, to make sure we are a good match before I dirty them up.  Felt like I was running on clouds, I don't know if that is good or bad but I likey.

Stats: 3 mi, 24:20-8:06 pace.  I'm happy with that even though I know in the back of my mind there are no hills/gradual inclines or snow/ice to run on like my regular route.  I usually run an 8:50 pace...trying to push it.


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